Case Dynamics assists in organizing and analyzing case details such as facts, issues, key organizations, key people, interview questions, and documents. This analysis helps identify strengths and weaknesses in litigation strategy and leads to better preparation for depositions, interviews, and trial.
Gearing up for annual planning, the product triad wanted to investigate a few key areas of the application and how users are impacted. Using service tickets and other forms of feedback to determine the biggest problem areas, we decided to focus on three main areas of the application; the coding pane, reporting, and in-line editing. With these, we were looking to best address how can we evolve & modify existing functionality to be more valuable and easy to use, as well as determine features and capabilities to add on to the application. 
We were able to start with a few known pain points for our application:
• Coding pane too click-heavy
• Inability to add custom objects
• Modal design obstructs the document 
• Inability to control sort order for reporting 
• Desire to customize columns or branding 
• Desire to adjust the timeline scale.

Current State

Using a combination of our user research participants pool and other internal leads, we initially sent out a SurveyMonkey survey based on those three themes, as well as a request of a 1 hour interview using Calendly. During those interviews, I walked participants through current workflows and discussed pain points. Participants were also shown a selection of current state screens and mockups and asked to give feedback on the updated designs. 

Future State

Looking Ahead
The insights gleaned from this discovery work will be the foundation of the improvements we are looking to make over the next year. The new coding layout was well received, but further insights and revisions are needed for reporting before we can make a well-informed decision. We also unearthed a few other tidbits from participants that will be invaluable in improving the UX of the application. 

Future State

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